Red Lipstick Traveler, about me


Hi! I'm Red Lipstick Traveler

This is me. Traveler who missed her flight, forgot to pick up baggage at the airport, and failed to write down the address of a hotel at her travel beginnings. 🙂

Coming from a little country – Slovakia, I set off on my first travel adventure when I was 19. I have actually never traveled full time, yet I’ve managed to explore more than 30 countries on 4 continents. I work full time in marketing field and travel in my free time.

I travel to explore, relax, enjoy the life, coffee and inspire others. I believe I am doing so by sharing my experience and thus showing you the world with all its opportunities.

When I am not traveling or working on my blog, you can find me drawing, working out, or cuddling cats or dogs (or both). I dream about becoming yogini, speaking Swedish and mastering my DSLR camera like a pro.

And if you ask me why ‘red lipstick’ traveler, I will tell you that I love to wear red lipstick. In case you don’t see me wearing one, it is probably because it stayed on that mug I was drinking my coffee from 🙂

If you have any questions regarding my travels, are interested in collaboration, just want to say ‘hi’ or just check if I progressed in pursuing my dreams, drop me a message 🙂